How to Accessorize a French Cuff Tuxedo Shirt: Cufflinks, Watches, and More

How to Accessorize a French Cuff Tuxedo Shirt: Cufflinks, Watches, and More

French cuff tuxedo shirts are quintessential pieces of formal wear, exuding elegance and sophistication. However, what truly sets them apart is the opportunity they provide for accessorizing. From cufflinks to watches, each element can add a touch of personality and refinement to your ensemble. Here's how to accessorize your French cuff tuxedo shirt to perfection.

1. Cufflinks: Making a Statement

Cufflinks serve as the centerpiece of your French cuff shirt. Choose designs that reflect your personal style while complementing the overall look. Classic options like silver or gold offer timeless elegance, while intricate patterns or colorful gemstones add a contemporary twist.

2. Watches: Timing is Everything

Coordinate your watch with your cufflinks for a cohesive appearance. A sleek timepiece with a leather strap exudes classic sophistication, while a metallic finish adds a modern edge. Ensure that the watch complements the overall color scheme and style of your attire.

3. Pocket Squares: Adding a Touch of Flair

A well-chosen pocket square can elevate your look from ordinary to extraordinary. Choose a pocket square that complements the color palette of your outfit, and don't be afraid to experiment with different folds and placements for added flair.

4. Tie or Bow Tie: Completing the Ensemble

Whether you choose a traditional tie or a dashing bow tie, ensure that it harmonizes with your cufflinks and overall aesthetic. Consider the fabric, pattern, and color of your tie to create a cohesive and polished look.

5. Tie Clips: Adding a Subtle Accent

A tie clip not only keeps your tie in place but also adds a subtle accent to your ensemble. You should pick sleek and understated designs that complement your cufflinks and watch without overpowering the look.

6. Studs and Buttons: Attention to Detail

For a truly refined appearance, consider adding studs or buttons to your tuxedo shirt. These small but significant details can make a big difference in the overall presentation of your attire, adding a touch of sophistication and completeness.

7. Overall Harmony: Balancing the Elements

When accessorizing your white cuff business shirt, strive for balance and harmony among all elements. Ensure that each accessory complements the others without overwhelming the ensemble. Pay attention to details such as color, texture, and proportion to achieve a polished and cohesive look.


Accessorizing a French cuff tuxedo shirt allows you to showcase your personal style and attention to detail. By carefully selecting cufflinks, watches, pocket squares, ties, tie clips, and other accessories, you can elevate your formal attire to new heights of sophistication and refinement. Remember, it's the little details that make a big difference in creating a memorable and impactful ensemble.